城市管理的空间准则探究 ——基于中美规划指标与城管条例的比较

Study on the Spatial Criterion of Urban Management: A Comparison between China - US Planning Indicators and Urban Management Regulations

中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院 助理规划师,硕士

东南大学建筑学院 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 城市规划和城市管理部门是在城市空间建设与管理中起主导作用的机构,也是城市空间管理规则的制定者和执法者。通过对比中美两国的规划指标与城管条例,可以发现美国的城市规划指标已经包含了功能业态与行为状态等意涵,城管条例亦具有较强的空间明确性与时序差异性,可以在各个空间场景和时段准确地指导城市空间管理。我国的规划指标和城管条例则在功能业态与行为活动状态管理方面存在明显缺失,制约我国城市管理水平的提升。基于此,从规划指标完善和城管条例的空间导向改良两个方面,对我国城市管理发展提出相关建议和展望。

Abstract: Planning department and urban management department are the leading organizations in urban space construction and management. They are also the makers and enforcers of urban spatial management rules. By comparing the planning indicators and urban management regulations between China and the United States, we can find that urban planning indicators in the United States have included functional states and behavioral states. Urban management regulations also include spatial clarity and timing differences,which can accurately guide urban spatial management in different space scenes and time periods. While there is a clear lack of functional format and behavior in China's planning indicators and urban management regulations. Based on this view, this paper puts forward relevant suggestions and prospects about the improving of planning indicators and the construction of space-oriented regulations.


Keyword: Urban management,Spatial criterion, Planning indicators , Urban management regulations


文献标识码: A

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