综合交通枢纽地区集约化发展探讨* ——以日本交通枢纽建设实践为例

Promoting the Intensive Development of Integrated Transportation Hub Based on the Compact City Theory: A Case Study of Japan

上海市城市建设设计研究总院(集团)有限公司 工程师,硕士

刘 宙
上海市城市建设设计研究总院(集团)有限公司 工程师

何 静
上海市城市建设设计研究总院(集团)有限公司 高级工程师,博士

摘要: 基于“紧凑城市”理论,研究国外紧凑城市发展思想中与综合交通枢纽相关的理论,以辅助分析适应于综合交通枢纽地区集约化发展的要素:高效换乘体系,空间精明增长与紧凑布局,节点和场所价值。这3个要素分别从规划方案、开发手段和经济证据方面解释枢纽集约化的特点。借鉴国际先进的交通枢纽建设实践经验,提出促进综合交通枢纽地区集约化发展的4个规划策略:城市功能布局的多元复合,区域交通的可达性加强,枢纽空间及内部交通的一体化设计,枢纽站点及周边地区的联合开发。旨在为综合交通枢纽地区的建设提供参考,以适应集约化城市的发展需要。

Abstract: Based on the compact city theory, this paper studies the theory related to integrated transportation hub abroad. Consequently, three essential factors are formed: efficient transfer system, smart growth and compact layout, node and places value, which could assist researchers to form planning strategies in integrated transportation hub region. These three factors explain intensive transportation hub characteristics in terms of planning strategy, development method and economy evidence. Combining with the factors and drawing on the experience of advanced integrated transportation hub worldwide, this paper mentions four planning strategies in order to promote the intensive development of integrated transportation hub region: multi-functional of urban layout, accessibility of regional transportation, integrated design of transfer system, and joint-development of integrated transportation hub region, aiming to provide reference for the future construction of integrated transportation hub and to adapt to the development of intensive city.


Keyword: Compact city,Integrated transportation hub,Intensification,Planning strategies


文献标识码: A


住房城乡建设部2016年科学技术项目计划——研究开发项目(城市规划与城市设计) “铁路客运交通枢纽地区集约化城市设计技术与应用” 2016-K2—030

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