
Thoughts on the Mission and Response to the Shanghai Metropolitan Area

张 帆
上海市城市规划设计研究院 院长,教授级高级工程师

摘要: 在长三角一体化上升为国家战略的背景下,上海大都市圈作为长三角地区经济社会功能的核心引擎,需要更聚焦发挥特 大城市的辐射带动作用,在更大范围内承载国家战略和要求。上海及近沪地区已形成具有比较优势的发展基础,并在经 济、社会联系上日益紧密,针对现有的问题和挑战,需要从提升动能、强化联系、文化共荣、生态共治、制度协同5个维度构 建更高质量一体化的上海大都市圈方案。

Abstract: As the integration of the Yangtze River Delta has become a national strategy, the Shanghai Metropolitan Area, which serves as the core engine of economic and social functions in the Yangtze River Delta region, needs to focus more on its leading role as a megacity and to carry national strategies and requirements on a larger scale. Shanghai and the near-Shanghai region have formed development opportunities with comparative advantages and are increasingly close in economic and social relations. To address existing problems and challenges, we need to work on five dimensions, which are motivation improvement, ties strengthening, cultural co-prosperity, ecological co-governance, and institutional synergy, to build a higher-quality integrated Shanghai Metropolitan Area.


Keyword: Higher quality,Integration,Metropolitan area


文献标识码: A

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