珠三角城市群的经济增长模式及演化特征研究 ——暨对“粤港澳大湾区”规划的思考

Economic Growth and Evolution in the Pearl River Delta: Thinking on the Development Plan for the Greater Bay Area

香港大学建筑学院 研究助理,硕士

摘要: 21世纪以来,珠三角与港澳之间的“前店后厂”合作模式逐渐淡出,珠三角以往基于廉价土地、劳动力和大规模资本投入的要素推动型经济增长模式也发生巨大变化。从供给侧角度切入,比较分析珠三角及内部各城市的经济增长模式及演化特征,进而结合“粤港澳大湾区”战略,讨论新时代的珠三角城市群空间发展问题。提出珠三角依赖劳动力、土地和资本要素投入的发展路径已经难以为继;在国内外发展和竞争态势快速变化的今天,以及在粤港澳大湾区建设的背景下,珠三角应当正视自身经济发展模式存在的问题,主动谋求经济转型发展,以新的驱动力来推进区域分工合作及空间发展。

Abstract: Since the 21st century, the economic collaboration model “Front Shop, Back Factory” between the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong/Macao has faded out. The economic growth model in the Pearl River Delta, which mainly based on cheap land, labor, and large-scale capital investment, has also undergone tremendous challenges. This article is going to discuss economic growth and evolution in the Pearl River Delta. As response to the Outline Development Plan for the Greater Bay Area, this article also pays attention on the whole region’s spatial development. The implication is that the Pearl River Delta today is facing with structural problems of economic growth. It is required to find out a way for economic transformation, as well as a new driving force to promote regional cooperation and development.

关键词:经济增长模式、珠三角城市群、粤港澳大湾区 、空间发展

Keyword: Economic growth,Pearl River Delta , Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Spatial development


文献标识码: A

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