
Shanghai as a Global City: An Empirical Research

上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师, 博士

摘要: 从未来30年的世界城市发展趋势入手,通过分析经济、社会、文化等方面变革的可能性,对上海未来发展的国际环境进行综合解析。在此基础上,通过比较世界级城市群的特点,以及世界城市的转型和发展历程,研究其人口、产业、环境等之间的内在联系,持续关注其转型路径、发展战略和规划策略,解析全球城市发展及变迁的规律和特征。将上海未来的发展置于全球视野中,思考上海在世界格局整体变革的条件下,全球城市从“外向型增长”到“内生型提升”、从“被动追赶”到“主动引领”的角色转变过程中,城市发展定位的演化。

Abstract: This article focuses the urban trend in the next 30 years in light of globalization, regionalization, urbanization and localization. Through the comparative study of the world-class agglomerations and the main global cities, the article tries to discover the inner and inter-connection between economy, social and environment during the urban transformation and development. Since Shanghai plays more and more significant role in the global city system, the city requires certain kind of changing from so-called “expand-orientation” to “endogenous development” and from “catch-up strategy” to “leading positioning’. Nevertheless, Shanghai’s future development and planning will give more influence on the world and vice verse.


Keyword: Global city, Empirical research, Shanghai


文献标识码: B

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