
Practical Exploration of Comprehensive Overhead Line Renovation under the Background of Urban Fine Management

上海营邑城市规划设计股份有限公司 副所长,工程师

摘要: 随着城市建设的快速发展,架空线已成为影响城市形象及运行安全的突出问题。实施架空线整治是城市精细化管理的具体体现,也是实现城市发展目标的一项重要举措。梳理分析城市架空线整治的内涵和主要任务,从系统化综合治理的角度探讨具体操作层面上城市架空线整治的关键问题,提出架空线整治需要全面贯彻“做减法、全要素、一体化”的精细化管理要求,系统性地提升道路景观环境,集约利用地下空间资源,确保城市运行安全。

Abstract: In the current rapid-developing urban environment, overhead lines have become a prominent problem impacting both the landscape and the safety of the city. Renovating overhead lines is a concrete manifestation of urban fine management and is also an important measure for achieving urban development goals. This paper outlines the main tasks for such renovation, discusses the key issues of the renovation at operational levels from the systematic comprehensive management’s perspective. We also put forward the requirements for urban fine management to achieve systematic landscape improvement, effective underground space utilization, and safe city operation.

关键词:架空线 | 综合整治 | 城市精细化管理 | 空间集约化

Keyword: Overhead lines | Comprehensive renovation | Urban fine management | Spatial intensification


文献标识码: A

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