
A Study on the Townscape Improvement and the Economic Effects in Kaneyama Town, Yamagata Prefecture

岩田司 [日本]
日本国立大学东北大学 教授,博士

岩田左红 [日本] (译)
日本MY Studio Inc.代表 日本国一级注册建筑师,硕士

键谷勇辉 [日本]
日本国北海道石狩振兴局产业振兴部建设指导课建筑住宅系 技师,硕士

摘要: 日本山形县金山镇在30年前颁布了“金山镇城镇景观条例”,其中规定:“凡使用本镇‘金山杉’并按照条例规定的传统‘金山住宅’外观进行住房建设者,均可得到镇政府的补助金”。历经30年努力,金山镇在改善城镇建筑景观的同时,也振兴了以林业为主的地方产业。基于金山镇住房建设规模与成本的调查数据,提出如下假设:“金山住宅”的建设给当地经济带来了积极的影响。进一步基于“2005年金山镇投入产业表”,对该条例所形成的城镇内部经济效用进行验证。发现自1986年到2014年,由于条例的存在,金山镇产值(生产诱发额)增长了约24亿日元,最初投入诱发额增长了约9.5亿日元,生产诱发额的补助金效应为9.9倍,最初投入诱发额的补助金效应为4倍,证实条例对于金山镇的经济发展有着明显的波及效应。

Abstract: Kaneyama Town, Yamagata Prefecture, has realized a system for the townscape improvement and the promotion of forestry as the local industry at the same time by enacting 'the Townscape Ordinance in Kaneyama Town'. The townscape has been improved by using 'Kaneyama housing' which is a kind of housing built by local 'Kaneyama cedar' and can be subsidized by the town under the Ordinance. This paper analyzes the situation of the improvements in detail and quantitatively reveals the economic effects. From statistical data and analysis, this paper finds that from 1986 to 2014, because of the promulgation of the Ordinance, the output value of Kaneyama Town (production-induced amount) increased by about 2.4 billion yen. The initial investment increase was about 950 million yen. The subsidy effect of the production-induced amount was 9.9 times, and that of the initial investment amount was four times. As a result, it can be concluded that the Ordinance has brought positive impacts to the local economy.

关键词:街景市容的整治 | 林业振兴 | 地域的活性化 | 经济波及效应

Keyword: Townscape improvement | Forestry promotion | Regional revitalization | Economic effects


文献标识码: A

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