基于公众视野的城市街道更新评价研究* ——以上海为例

Research on Evaluation of Urban Street Regeneration Based on Public Vision: Cases Study of Shanghai

烟台市住房和城乡建设局 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师,博士

摘要: 在梳理总结国内外街道更新价值类型特征基础上,对上海的3个街道更新案例(愚园路、武康路、苏家屯路)进行分析。通过现场与网络调研相结合的方法获取案例中在地居民、市民、相关专业人士对相关街道更新项目的评价,收集街道更新中多种利益群体的体验与满意度,发现街道更新后的运营管理情况对街道满意度的影响最为明显,并从不同视角对项目进行分析总结。认为这3条街道更新的满意度较高,在实际使用过程中,分别面临着新旧文化与新旧群体冲突、街道的市民繁荣与居民生活的不同诉求、空间承载力不足等问题。

Abstract: This article analyzes three street regeneration cases in Shanghai, Yuyuan Road, Wukang Road and Sujiatun Road, on the basis of summarizing the characteristics of street regeneration value types at home and abroad. Through a combination of on-site and online surveys, this article obtains the evaluation of local residents, citizens, and related professionals on street regeneration projects, and also collects feedback on experience and satisfaction of various interest groups. The study believes that the satisfaction of the three streets is relatively high. In the process of actual use, they are also faced with problems such as the conflicts between new and old cultures and groups, different demands of the street prosperity and residents' lives, and insufficient space carrying capacity.


Keyword: street; city regeneration; regeneration evaluation; place making; public vision


文献标识码: A


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