
Towards Age-friendly Cities: UK Practices

姜 颖
华东理工大学艺术设计学院 讲师,博士

董 华(通信作者)
英国伦敦布鲁内尔大学设计学院 教授,博士生导师

英国拉夫堡大学 博士研究生

摘要: 通过文献梳理和案例分析,从策略、实施、评估3方面总结英国老年友好城市建设的典型做法,介绍和分析其建设经验与实施策略。伦敦采用“包容性设计”策略,对邻里空间、交通流线、住宅发展和公共建筑提出详细设计指导;曼彻斯特在实施过程中依托研究和合作,注重统筹协调;利物浦则针对城市突出问题开发相关评估模型。基于这些案例,提出老年友好城市建设需要依据每个城市的自身特点明确重点,重视老人参与,以“包容”的过程达到“老年友好”的结果。

Abstract: This paper aims to introduce and analyse the UK's strategy and practice in building age-friendly cities. Through literature review and case studies, we summarised three typical UK approaches covering the strategy, implementation and evaluation of age-friendly cities. In London, the strategy of 'inclusive design' has been adopted, and detailed principles were put forward on four key areas of 'achieving inclusive neighbourhoods', 'movement', 'residential developments' and 'public buildings'. Manchester has adopted a research-led and partnership-led approach to coordinating age-friendly activities. Liverpool has focussed on its specific problem and developed models for evaluating the age-friendliness of the city. Based on these cases, we propose that each city identify its key issues of age-friendliness according to its own characteristics, making sure that older people are actively involved, so as to achieve the outcome of 'age-friendliness' through an inclusive process of design and implementation.


Keyword: case study; age-friendly; inclusive design; city; UK


文献标识码: A


:中央高校基本科研业务费探索研究基金项目 “推动环境可持续发展的共情设计研究” 222202022040

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