
Multigenerational Community Pattern for the Elderly in Germany and Its Enlightenment

中山大学地理科学与规划学院 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院 硕士

文 萍
中山大学地理科学与规划学院 广东省公共安全与灾害工程技术研究中心 副研究员,博士

中山大学地理科学与规划学院 广东省公共安全与灾害工程技术研究中心 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 随着我国老龄化状况的演变与养老服务供给模式的转变,现行的养老体系亟待进一步优化与完善。在梳理多代互助社区内涵及发展历程的基础上,对志愿型多代互助养老社区与住宅型多代互助养老社区的规划运营模式进行深入对比,指出德国多代互助社区围绕老年人群的精神需求,以邻里社区为平台,以无血缘关系的代际互助为核心,以社会组织为重要参与角色的社区营造模式值得我国借鉴。基于我国养老服务体系特征,提出将非血缘关系的代际互助养老模式作为家庭养老模式的重要补充,在鼓励社会组织深度参与的同时有效发挥政府的监督职能。

Abstract: With the ongoing development of the aging issue and senior care services in China, the present elderly service system calls for renewal and improvement. Based on the analysis of the multigenerational community's concept and developing process in Germany, the article compares two different models of multigenerational community. Focusing on the spiritual needs of the elderly, mutual help among unrelated multi-generations is the main issue in the multigenerational community. Studying from the experience of Germany, the article advises the unrelated multigenerational community pattern as an important supplement of home-based senior support in China, encouraging deep participation of social organizations while effectively realizing the supervision role of governments.


Keyword: senior care; multigenerational support; community; Germany


文献标识码: A


广东省重点研发领域研发计划项目 “县域村镇空间发展智能化管控与规划支持关键技术” 2020B0202010002

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