无人驾驶技术对城市空间的影响初探 ——基于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区探索性方案

A Preliminary Study of the Impact of Unmanned Technology on Urban Space: A Case Study of Lin-gang Special Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

上海市上规院城市规划设计有限公司 工程师,硕士

马 丁
上海市上规院城市规划设计有限公司 工程师,硕士

摘要: 无人驾驶技术不仅会影响交通,亦将对未来城市发展带来新的变革。探讨无人驾驶对城市空间可能产生的影响以及城市规划在空间上的应对,通过对无人驾驶技术的分析,讨论这些技术对城市结构、城市功能和城市空间表征3个维度的具体影响;认为无人驾驶将推动城市往扁平化发展,道路等级差别消失,路网主要为方格网。城市用地构成将采用模块化的方式,城市空间设计及体验则趋向动态化。将这一理念进一步应用于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区的概念性城市设计中,探索其在无人驾驶技术影响下的城市空间模式。

Abstract: Unmanned driving technology will not only affect traffic, but also bring new changes to future urban development. This article attempts to explore possible impacts of unmanned driving on urban space. Through the analysis of unmanned driving technology and discussing specific impacts of these technologies on three dimensions of urban structure, urban function and urban spatial representation, the authors believe that unmanned driving will promote the city to a flatter development mode. The road level differences tend to disappear, and the road network will mainly be a grid pattern. As the city becomes flat, the structure of urban land will adopt a modular approach, and urban space design and experience tend to be dynamic. This paper applies these concepts to the design of the Lin-gang Special Area to explore the urban space design under unmanned driving technologies.


Keyword: unmanned driving; urban planning; flat design; modular design; dynamic space


文献标识码: A

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