女大学生的校园场所依恋研究* ——一项应用影像发声方法开展的研究

Female College Students' Place Attachment on the Campus: A Study Using Photovoice Method

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

同济大学全龄友好社区研究中心 研究助理,硕士

同济大学全龄友好社区研究中心 研究助理,硕士


摘要: 校园是大学生日常学习与生活的主要场所,校园环境对青年学生的成长与发展具有深远影响。以同济大学本部校园为基地,应用场所依恋理论和影像发声研究方法,探讨女性新生在适应大学生活过程中的校园场所体验。研究表明,场所依恋的产生既来自满足活动需求的环境要素,也来自实现自我认知、社会融入的情感体验。建筑、道路及其设施、绿化与景观、公共空间、氛围要素是对场所体验具有显著影响的5类环境要素。这些要素及要素的组合方式是改善校园场所体验、建设友好校园的实践要点。将影像发声方法引入校园场所研究,有效地促进了参与者对校园环境的批判性思考和积极建议,也为研究者提供了深入认识场所意义、开展环境整治的新方法。

Abstract: As the main carrier for college students' daily study and life, university campus has a profound impact on the growth and development of college students. Using photovoice method for the purpose of place attachment study, we focus on female freshmen's cognitive approach to the campus environment in the process of adapting to university life. The work reports that the place attachment comes from the fulfillment of activity demand related to place function and the emotional experience related to place cognition. Architecture, roads and their affiliated facilities, greening and landscape, public space, and atmosphere are 5 key types of elements highly valued by the participants. These elements and the way of the combination are particularly important for creating place cognition and emotional experience. The introduction of photovoice methods in this study demonstrates its superiority in place study, such as the effective improvement of the quality of public participation, the promotion of participants' critical thinking, and the constructive suggestions. Meanwhile, it provides researchers with an innovative approach to comprehensively understand the significance of the place and deeply grasp the value of the place, which shows great potential in the community renewal work and deepening public participation.


Keyword: place attachment; photovoice; built environment; university campus; female college students


文献标识码: A


同济大学课程思政教育教学改革项目 “城乡规划原理A”

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