
Pathways to a Global City: International Trends and Shanghai's Prospect

复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院 城市与区域发展研究中心,讲师

上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院 高级工程师


摘要: 一个世纪以前,上海曾是中国对外交流最重要的窗口;进入21世纪特别是世博会后,上海再次成为中国最重要的国际城市之一,并加速向全球城市迈进。基于历史背景与国际经验,研讨上海城市发展目标从以经济影响力为核心特征的“国际化大都市”转向全方位、多元化、更注重知识文化创新能力、更能吸引国际人才的“全球中心城市”:首先梳理全球城市概念演化和分析当前发展趋势;其次引介目前国际上关于全球城市的主要评价体系,总结全球城市的共同特征及制约上海发展的瓶颈问题;最后提出未来上海的发展前景:建成充满活力、高效、包容与公平的具有全球影响力的中心城市。

Abstract: Once known as the ‘Paris of the East’, Shanghai was China's most cosmopolitan city a century ago. In the 21st century, particularly after the World Expo in 2010, the city again rises as an important international city in the world and is on its way to the apex of the global urban hierarchies. Putting Shanghai on the world map, this paper aims to examine its current performance and discusses the pathways to a leading global city. It begins with an overview of the evolution of the very concept, highlighting the changing dynamics in recent global competition. Referring to several widely- recognized global cities indices and criteria, it then identifies necessary ingredients of global cities and discusses Shanghai’s relative strengths and weakness. It is shown that while Shanghai has made great achievement in terms of its international economic position, factors such as openness to international talents, cultural experiences, regulatory environment, and liveability pose great challenges to the city’s competitiveness. For Shanghai to realize its vision as a truly global city requires further efforts to go beyond economic concerns to embrace border considerations for a vibrant, efficient, tolerant and equitable city.


Keyword: Global city , International trends, Evaluation system, Shanghai


文献标识码: A



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