
Regaining the Garden City of the East: A Critical View upon the Current Developments in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Jagath Munasinghe
斯里兰卡莫勒图沃大学规划系 主任

摘要: 作为斯里兰卡商业和政治活动中心城市,科伦坡正经历前所未有的变化,城市一方面是显示出建设雄心和全球化目标,另一方面也希望当代的发展能够延续以往的花园城市规划理念。本文分为3部分内容,第一部分根据科伦坡城市的演变过程,介绍了从霍华德田园城市的乌托邦思想而来的最初的花园城市规划以及经过多次政权交替和历次规划而延续转变的过程;第二部分阐述了2009年之后科伦坡在新的发展战略重点引导下进入新的发展时期;第三部分剖析了科伦坡当代的建设发展为实现具有包容性、竞争力和凝聚力的花园城市所带来的挑战。

Abstract: Sri Lanka is experiencing a major transformation in the aftermath of a thirty year long civil war that affected the entire island. Colombo, which is the main commercial, administrative and political center of Sri Lanka, is at the epicenter of that transformation. The ongoing development programs in Colombo, despite the ambitious targets, massive scales and the global outlook embodied in them, often revere making this city of one million people a Garden City of Asia. Referring to many sources of information about the City of Colombo and its evolution, this paper discusses the origin of the idea of a Garden City in Colombo, adapted from Ebenezer Howard’s utopian concept and how it has been kept intact throughout, by many development plans under different regimes until today, but under different guises. The paper also critically reviews the ongoing projects in terms of their capacities to achieve an inclusive, competitive and cohesive garden city in Colombo.


Keyword: Transformation, Developments, Garden City, Colombo


文献标识码: A

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