
People-oriented Basic Public Service System of 2040 in Shanghai

上海社会科学院 研究员

摘要: 公共服务的内容和覆盖程度是现代国家管理水平、执政理念与核心价值的集中反映。中国正处于经济社会变革的重要转折时期,公共服务的内容、实行途径、技术手段将发生重大变化。上海公共服务的重点、对象、内容将根据现实变动而调整。向基层倾斜、向基本倾斜,实现经济社会发展成果的全民共享,应该成为上海未来设计和推进公共服务的基本理念和出发点。

Abstract: Public service of a modern country, in terms of content and coverage, is a reflection of its administrative efficiency, its ruling conception as well as its core value. China, currently undergoing a critical economic and social transition, will witness a significant change in public service including its contents, ways and technical means of application. In Shanghai, adjustment will be made regarding the focus of public service in response to the social changes. The fundamental starting point of public service design for Shanghai in the coming years is grass-root orientation, that is, people in general will share the fruit of economic and social progress.


Keyword: People oriented, Broad sense public service, Narrow sense public service


文献标识码: A



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