
Study on Shanghai Urban Regeneration Planning Method under the Background of New Master Planning

上海市城市规划设计研究院 助理工程师,硕士

摘要: 目前上海新一轮城市总体规划编制工作已全面启动,面临资源紧约束的挑战,城市更新必将成为引领城市空间转型发展的重要路径。但上海市对于各类更新规划的研究和实践较多集中于个体项目和详细规划层面,如何在总体层面对各类型更新地区进行规划引领,形成适应上海总体发展的更新规划体系与方法,是一项具有探索性和前瞻性的研究。国内外许多城市都已经形成了完整的更新规划体系,并在总体规划层面对于更新规划进行了诸多尝试,重点分析其在总体规划层面的更新理念和策略方法,对接上海目前的发展条件,为新一轮总规编制中的更新规划内容提供理念、方法和技术支撑。

Abstract: At present, a new Shanghai urban master planning has started and under the conditions of resource constraints, urban regeneration will be an important way for the transition and development of Shanghai urban space. But the existing researches and practices mostly focus on individual projects and urban detailed planning level. It is an exploratory and forward-looking study to update the cities in master planning level. This paper emphasizes on regeneration strategies and methods in master planning level, providing relevent principles and ideas for the new Shanghai urban master planning


Keyword: Urban regeneration, Case study, Master plan


文献标识码: A

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