
Bangkok’s Challenges towards Sustainability and Inclusiveness

Apiwat Ratanawaraha(泰国)

摘要: 曼谷作为泰国的首都和中心城市,正面临可持续和包容性发展的诸多挑战。轨道交通的发展带来城市空间结构的转变,TOD模式促使中心城区的人口密度重新增长。但是土地利用、轨道交通规划以及城市弱势群体公平权益等交织的问题为发展带来巨大阻力;贫富悬殊也通过曼谷和泰国其他城市之间的空间资源分配不均以及不合理的土地所有权进一步显现。这些根本问题长期困扰着泰国社会,成为城市发展的主要障碍。曼谷要实现可持续和包容性发展,必须解决目前国家和区域发展层面法律和政策不完善、规划机制碎片化、土地使用条例不健全以及非常薄弱的城市管理这一系列挑战。

Abstract: As the capital and primate city of Thailand, Bangkok continues to transform economically and physically. It currently faces a number of challenges towards sustainability and inclusiveness. While the built-up areas continue to expand outward, structural transformation triggered by the development of rail transit systems creates windows of opportunity for redensification through transit-oriented development. But there remain several obstacles in integrating land use and transit development and in ensuring such development also benefit disadvantaged urban citizens. Increasing economic inequalities are manifested by spatial disparity between Bangkok and the rest of the country and a skewed pattern of land ownership among Bangkok residents. These fundamental problems continue to plague Thai society and remain a major obstacle to promoting sustainable and equitable urban development. Several planning and governance challenges have to be overcome in order to enhance sustainability and inclusiveness in the city. These include inadequacies in legal and administrative frameworks for national and regional development, institutional fragmentation in spatial planning, inadequate land use regulations, and weak urban governance systems.


Keyword: Primate city, Transit-oriented development, Inequality, land ownership, Urban governance, Bangkok


文献标识码: A

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