区域协调视角下的区域级传染病救治中心规划 设想*

Planning of the Treatment Center of Infectious Diseases in Urban Agglomerations from the Perspective of Regional Coordination

路 旭
沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院 教授,博士

金 芋
沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院 硕士研究生

沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院 硕士研究生

中国医科大学公共卫生学院 教授,副院长,博士

摘要: 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,以下简称“新冠肺炎”)在国内的暴发暴露出我国城乡医疗卫生公共设施在应对大规模传 染病方面的能力存在不足。尤其是在疫情快速暴发过程中,可用于患者救治和隔离的物理空间相对有限,成为导致疫情进 一步蔓延的重要因素之一。在分析大规模传染病的规模特征之后,认为我国目前疾控体系与传染病暴发规模之间存在空间 尺度上的错位,并造成目前应对大规模传染病能力不足的现状,而建立区域协调防疫模式是破解这一难题的有效途径。提 出建立依托我国主要城镇群规划区域级大规模传染病救治中心,辐射周边区域板块,同时采用区域协调、独立选址、弹性建 设、多区联动的策略开展规划布局,构建科学合理的多层次国家公共卫生服务体系。

Abstract: COVID-19 disclosed the incapability of urban and rural medical and public health facilities to deal with large-scale infectious diseases. Especially in the rapid outbreak of the epidemic, the physical spaces available for patients' treatment and isolation are relatively insufficient, which becomes a key factor likely to lead to the further spread of the epidemic. According to the characteristics of large-scale infectious diseases, it is considered that there is a spatial scale dislocation between the current disease control system and the scale of infectious diseases outbreak in China, which causes the incapacity to deal with large-scale infectious diseases. The establishment of a regional coordinated epidemic prevention model is an effective way to solve this problem. Based on major urban agglomerations in China, this paper proposes to construct regional large-scale infectious disease prevention and control centers to benefit surrounding areas, and to conduct planning with regional coordination, independent site selection, flexible construction, and regional interaction strategies to establish a scientific and reasonable national public health service system in multi-levels.


Keyword: regional coordination; public service facilities; infectious disease treatment; emergency medical rescue; COVID-19


文献标识码: A


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